Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Severn Suzuki At The Earth Summit In 1992

Part One Of Severn's Perspective In 2010

And Part Two Of Severn's Perspective In 2010
She most certainly requires no additional commentary from me
However I refer you to this Q & A I did with Weather Channel Climate Expert
Stu Ostro I did a week or so ago:

UL) Many people object to the use of the term "Global Warming" when speaking of the "Climate Change" phenomenon. Is the global climate warming due to human carbon and other atmospheric emissions in your opinion?

Stu Ostro): There’s a lot of short-term year-to-year natural variability superimposed, but the overwhelming evidence is that the longer term temperature trend, which is one of warming, is primarily the result of human activities.

UL) Besides climatic temperature changes, what other Climate Changes do you see happening in the past century due to human carbon and other emissions?

Stu Ostro): A serious trend of Arctic sea ice loss, changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, and changes in the nature of precipitation extremes.

UL) What weather phenomenon outside North America of note would you attribute, if any, to the Climate Change phenomenon, and what weather events in our country would you say have been affected by climate change over the past century?

Stu Ostro): Some of the temperature anomalies and precipitation extremes we’ve seen in recent years likely have a climate change component to them.

UL) Are human injuries, deaths and/or property damage occurring due to weather anomalies produced by Climate Change or is that impossible to assess?

Stu Ostro): If climate change is affecting the day-to-day weather including extremes, which my assessment indicates it is, then there are injuries, deaths, and property damage which have occurred as a result. What’s impossible to assess is exactly how much of those impacts would have occurred without these changes in climate.

UL) Environmentally, what damages have occurred or are occurring world-wide and here due to Climate Change, and are you aware of any species (whether single-celled, plant or mammal) which have become extinct or endangered primarily due to climate change?

Stu Ostro): The frequency of devastating floods worldwide, and the nature of the 2003 Europe and 2010 Russia heat waves, and the kind of topsy-turvy patterns that have produced odd snow extremes, have a signal to them suggesting an influence of climate change. [N/A on the species question – outside my realm.]

UL) What public policies should be highest on the agendas of the state governments, the U.S. government and the U.N. and the international community and which policy initiatives would accomplish the most in an expeditious manner and are ones you would advocate?

Stu Ostro): An increased focus on adaptation to climate change, given that it’s already happening and affecting us regardless of what is done to mitigate the causes.

I can't overestimate the seriousness of one of Stu's comments. Please remember this one from an expert who has been at this for decades:

"If climate change is affecting the day-to-day weather including extremes, which my assessment indicates it is, then there are injuries, deaths, and property damage which have occurred as a result."

Weather Channel Climate Expert Dr. Heidi Cullen Details Much
In Her Public Information Efforts, Including This Great Interview
With Miami Talk Radio Host Marc Bernier,
Her Website With Informative Videos Is:


Aurelia Blue said...

If you feel overwhelmed by not being able to do everything you could be doing to save our environment, and I think most of us do, I would offer this advice, do what you can. Commit to those things, such as turning off lights, and unplugging, or recycling the newspaper until they are habitual, then maybe add something new like using those cloth diapers at home (saving disposables for trips out if it's not possible for you to travel with the cloth ones), washing them at home and hanging them out on the line or on a drying rack. You can do so much without even leaving your home... really you can! And while it most certainly may not single handedly save the planet, it will help. Being positive in our actions and attitudes is the first step. Much love and peace.

Steve Alexander said...

Raley, I luv your comment. We are a social species and what we can accomplish in the collective is often inspiring (sometimes it's exactly the opposite, WWII for example). But it's the individual efforts within the collective that cause success. If 12 people work together they can lift a car off an injured person. If 12 people APPEAR as though they're lifting, and only half a dozen are actually lifting, the car won't budge. Same with Global Warming and ending nuclear stockpiles. MLK, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and Severn Suzuki are individuals who, like you, have done, and are doing things every day to 'single handedly save the planet.' Amen.